Why study abroad

Studying abroad offers the opportunities of experiencing a new culture, be a part of a world class education and prepare you for the future

Benefits of studying abroad

Start your career off

Studying abroad means that you have the courage, awareness and an understanding of how other people from different cultures work and think. This will put you ahead of the pack when you are applying for open position., as your application will be looked-for by employers for the skills you have

Living a language

To understand the local culture of any destination is by learning their language, studies have stated that being surrounded by a language speaker is the best way to become fluent and will help you to excel in your studies and meet new friends from other parts of the world who could even become professional connection down the road

Diverse choice of courses

Students who study abroad enjoy the diverse of teaching styles. The well-known style is the traditional class-based, recently many styles start to include teamwork and work experience. Whatever you are looking for – from a course that is highly ranked for research to a unique study environment – we can help find the best fit for you.

Grow and develop personally

As an international student, you will be more open minded than your friends who never studied or travel abroad, you will be more creative and open to others cultures. You will start to have new perspective towards your life goals, your own country and Culture too

Stories to last a lifetime

You’ll be having the chance to travel to tourist hot spots in your chosen country. Make sure to save some mementos, such as train tickets and photographs, and keep a record of your adventures, because you might not realize how incredible your time was until you’re home.

Maybe one day in the future you’ll be the one giving advice to your siblings – and even your own children – about why and where to study abroad!

Career Match Tools 

If you don't know what Career you want? We have done something to help. All you have to do is work through simple questionnaire, based on the result you will get recommendations for careers that match your personality profile 

Questionnaire: https://www.ecu.edu.au/centres/international-office/ecus-career-match

Code for Free access: ECU:50   

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